Saturday, October 13, 2012

Live Longer Folks!

I am a lot into 'lists' these days.....So here's a splendid one I stumbled upon....
Mine (still a rough draft) to be published soon..... Till then...enjoy this!

1. Don't cut out anything. If it exists and you like it, fine, just use moderation, that's the key word. More stress is caused by denial than this world dreams of.

2. Don't push yourself. As you get older slow down and ignore all those experts who tell you about cardio whatever because crazy exercise is close to have nothing to prove, so sweat but don't sweat it.

3. Drop envy as a companion. The green eyed monster eats your heart out and nibbles at your mind like a rat. You cannot be the other person so what's the point of working yourself over it.

4. Listen to your body. it always gives warning signs. Crisis is seldom sudden, it happens because we duck the signs, like it's only indigestion when it is not. It's your life...sobering thought...they'll be talking on their mobile phones at your funeral.

5. Stay out of debt. Credit cards can kill you and there is nothing worse and more humiliating than being chased for corrosive as rust.

6. Smell the roses. No point having a garden if you won't stop to enjoy it. Beyond a certain degree of wealth and success it is all repetitive so find repose, rest, relaxation and get a hobby even if you are 72...hobbies are good medicine.

7. Laugh. It is incredible how problems shrink when you can funny mirror your life and yourself and all the pomposity around you. Be serious but don't take props seriously. Your designation, your seat of power, your perks, your silly car brand, your address, these are all passing fancies or sad, little crutches.

8. Don't drag the past with you. That's why it is the past. Yesterday. Learn from it but if you insist on carrying it into the present and the future all you'll end up doing is bleed.

9. Save your time. It is precious. Don't squander it on inconsequentials be that events, people, hangers on, projects etc. Use it for family. Family counts.

10. Do something good. For children. For the world you live in. For an individual. For an animal. Nothing like a good deed to get the adrenalin flowing...goodwill is so under-rated.

Bikram Vohra

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