Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ooppss I FORGOT..!!

I forgot my multivitamins today, and yesterday I forgot to feed the fish and the day before, I forgot to run the errand I had most importantly stepped out of the house for.

Yes, I forget stuff, call me scatter brained or pea brained or whatsoever, but that's how we all are.....we have a tendency to forget...but guess what, with time I am starting to realize that Forgetting may perhaps not be excellent for our body, if we skip vitamins or may not be good for the fish whom we forget to feed, it may also not be pleasant for our ears, while we are being yelled at for not doing the work assigned. But the truth being that it is medicine for soul...

They say TIME and LOVE heals everything....But then again.. what exactly does time do?? Not magic for sure....but just makes us erase the bad memories with the new pleasant (hopefully) ones we make...Well.....and LOVE too, by the way, has the same function.... As such Time and Love do not do anything of their own, but a sub-task and that is to help the person FORGET....

Not everyone has fantastic experiences while growing up. And would it not be for partial amnesia, this tormented person would fail in every step of life....thanks to his disturbed childhood or youth he would lose all confidence and be clouded by fear. But it doesn't usually work this way. It takes a while but a man gradually forgets his horrendous past. Forgetting is perhaps a great route to buck up the self confidence and get inspired in life again...

He said no wrong for He always said, "FORGIVE and FORGET...that's the ONLY way to live happily in this world."

P.S. - And all those who forgot to walk their dog or missed sending that important email or forgot your daily medicinal dose....RELAX, you are on your way to greater health and spirit....thankfully to amnesia..!

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