Anyways its not about how my day was, its about what I thought last night. Strange I am, but an year started to feel like a decade and I suddenly realized, what if I dont have many more like this......(in heart of hearts I know I will though)..... but its a valid thought. and I started counting the number of things I had promised myself to do , around last year this time, and how many of them did I check.... or none.
Cooking - Nah, the kitchen gets me tempted
Photoshop and Indesign - But do you expect me to spend 3 and a half hours in front of a computer screen after a full day job (of doing precisely that)
Get fitter - Oh damn....I still havta right
Tennis - Boy, I have always wanted to but time factor
Hit-off career wise - Even with a good job, am I really hitting-off the way I reckoned
Philanthrophy- Yep, I wanted to change the world in an year..... guess I have only changed myself a tad bit (oh but I dont know positively or negatively)
Masters degree - Its okay, I aint that old to resume school again, or am I?
and Blogging - I need atleast one tick, so here I am.
I created the account last year, with an instructor right behind my back detailing about blogging and its advantages and it giving a boost to your creativity during a lecture in journalism class. Wasnt an inspiration for me though. However, I begin now a little because of my thoughts last night and for want of at least one accomplishment till my next birthday, just in case I fail with my other goals. And isnt this supposed to be a place where I can finally pen my thoughts, views, opinions and mundane happenings of life. With my boss (and the prior ones too) skeptical about me turning my musing into stories, I guess I finally have an inspiration to blog. And of course, G*Nice, the Friday mag columnist.....he has a share too....Will probably dedicate a blog to him, he is that good. Ohh and also a big Thank You to Miss. Boredom at Work. She has a great hand in pushing me to do this. Its not this way all the time....but the few days it is, I cant spend them on FB (fb hater that I am).
Sensing the sweet freedom of writing after going by style guides and story ideas carefully scrutinized by boss and each word checked on by fellow sub-editors, suddenly I feel free.